Holistic Nutrition


With Amy Soudek

A Holistic Nutrition Consultant sees you as a unique individual with specific health and nutrition needs, and assesses all aspects of your life as a whole. Lifestyle factors, stressors, and psychosomatic influences are considered in order to provide you with the most integrative and customized level of care.

“We are educated professionals who help people understand the benefits of natural nutrition by combining modern science with the “time-tested wisdom” that every individual has their own nutritional needs. Our approach includes mind-body-spirit connections and understands that these three areas are essential to properly address one's overall wellness." -CSNN

A comprehensive and nurturing approach is an effective component of your health journey.

Holistic Nutrition is a bridge between the overabundant “one size fits all” nutrition messages and your specific individual needs so that you can be confident you’re getting only the information you really need to address your unique physiology.

Using a foundational approach to food, your practitioner will address the link between systemic inflammation, the gut microbiome, irregular food relationships, nutritional deficiencies and so much more. A Holistic Nutrition Consultant is devoted to helping clients recognize and move away from restrictive patterns to develop a balanced, joyful, easy and natural connection to food, and approaches each and every client partnership with this philosophy. You will be provided with the tools to take charge of your health while creating space for your authentic self


Initial Consult 60 minute

This is where we look deep into your nutrient deficiencies, possible toxicities and body systems and together with your history and current wellness state, we come up with a plan to move you toward your optimal health. MORE with Amy's promise is to leave every client feeling inspired, supported and closer to what they want MORE out of life.

40 minute Follow ups

Let's check in and see how you are doing! What is working and what is not working. We will together, tweak our course of action and get you back on track, enhance your experience and find out what new obstacle, if any, are in the way of you reaching your goals.

21 Day Meal Plan Challenge