Chiropractic Care
As neuromusculoskeletal experts, chiropractors promote optimal function of your joints, muscles, connective tissue and nervous system. As back pain becomes one of the leading causes of disability worldwide, chiropractors promote a healthy lifestyle and improved mobility to allow you to continue doing the things you love. Their treatments consist of joint manipulation/mobilizations, soft tissue therapy, taping, rehabilitation, as well as lifestyle and nutritional counselling.
Upon booking in with your chiropractor you can expect a thorough health history, chiropractic/orthopedic examination, clinical diagnosis and treatment. As primary health care professionals your chiropractor is trained to determine the underlying cause of your pain. If they determine it is not of neuromusculoskeletal origin, you can expect a referral to the practitioner best suited for your complaint.
Benefits of Chiropractic Care
Improved movement in your neck, shoulders, back and torso
Better posture
Relief from headaches, neck and back pain
Prevention of work-related muscle and joint injuries
Enhanced athletic performance
Improved flexibility
Relief of pregnancy-related backache
Correction of gait and foot problems